Rewards & Recognition


by Nontobeko Mdhluli



When you look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid, it is easy to see, that the need for recognition is right at the tip of the pyramid. This is mostly because this is a need that emanates from self-actualization. Herzberg proposes a different theory of motivation however. His submission that motivation is premised upon a set of what he calls ‘’hygiene’’ factors, kind of contradicts what we have come to understand of Maslow’s theory. However, at a closer look, one quickly notes that, as employees travel throughout the career trajectories, both scholars may indeed be on to something.

The early years of one’s career are typically characterized by a motivation by money. Whilst, it seems, the more seasoned an incumbent, the more intrinsic the motivation becomes. Which brings us to the subject of rewards and recognition.

What does a reward and recognition programme at executive level look like?

About the author:

Nontobeko Mdhluli is the Founder and Director at Zanati Group


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